Shemin Nurmohamed: Don’t miss your amazon moment! | TEDxAix

What does it take to detect, inspire and foster women leadership? Shemin shares an insightful path toward self confidence and achievement.


Shemin Nurmohamed is currently Vice President of Document Messaging Technologies (DMT), a branch of Pitney Bowes for Europe where she is responsible for developing a growth strategy for a region that has been declining for several years, and for optimizing the go-to-market model.

She is a member of the Pitney Bowes Leadership Team, and has been nominated to the Pitney Bowes Technology team to help craft the strategy on innovation and machine-to-machine learning.

Prior to joining Pitney Bowes, Shemin Nurmohamed had a successful 17-year career at IBM, where she was the Director of Sales for IBM France, growing the business over 30% and re-motivating and transforming the local teams. She has held a number of other leadership roles, in both finance and sales, at the national, European, and global levels. She was recognized by IBM as a Top Performer from 2000-2015, was a member of the 100% Club during each of her years in sales, and received an Outstanding Excellence Award for originating and concluding a first-ever deal with Europe’s largest cloud services provider.

A graduate from Cornell and Toronto university, Shemin Nurmohamed is actively engaged in the start-up ecosystem in France. She is Chairman of fast-growing startup LiveMon, and serves on the board of ScaleZone, a new venture sponsored by IBM to support the growth of the French start-up community. Through Carbon-Leadership, an organization dedicated to helping working women progress in their careers and companies address the issue of female talent pipeline creation, Shemin Nurmohamed is regularly invited to speak at seminars and conferences in Europe and the Middle East. She also serves in a voluntary capacity as a member of the Aga Khan Economic Planning Board for France, which works to improve the quality of life of low income families.


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Author: ismailimail

Independent, civil society media featuring Ismaili Muslim community, inter and intra faith endeavors, achievements and humanitarian works.

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