“Duhaan: Smoke” – A Song For Peace

In a world often clouded by the shadows of conflict and despair, the powerful new music video Duhaan: Smoke emerges as a beacon of hope and a call for peace. This poignant song, voiced with passion by Dr. Karim Gillani and penned by Rahim Gillani, is not just a musical composition but a heartfelt plea echoing the cries of innocence lost in wars and conflicts around the globe.

Between October 2023 and January 2024, over 10,000 innocent children have tragically lost their lives in the throes of war, a stark reminder of the urgent need for peace and humanity in our times. Duhaan:Smoke is more than a song; it is a wake-up call to the world to recognize the profound impact of war on the most vulnerable.

The lyrics, deeply moving and thought-provoking, are beautifully complemented by the soulful composition of Dr. Karim Gillani and the intricate arrangements by Din’s Production. Directed and captured by Alizain Mevawala, the video brings to life the haunting reality of conflict and the longing for peace that resides in every heart.

This release aims to educate and inspire. It’s a reminder that every child matters and that the path to peace is paved with empathy, understanding, and dialogue.

Through the powerful message of Duhaan: Smoke, we hope to contribute to a world where human rights are not just an ideal, but a reality. We invite listeners and viewers around the world to join us in this journey towards a more peaceful, harmonious world, where the smoke of despair gives way to the light of hope and understanding.

Vocals: Dr. Karim Gillani
Lyrics: Rahim Gillani
Composition: Dr. Karim Gillani
Music: Din’s Production
Direction and Videography: Alizain Mevawala
Editing: WMA Productions
Recorded at: Global Music Production

Special Thanks
Edmonton Art Council
Shazia Gillani & Family Narm Jamal
Jahanzeb Ismail
Asif Makhani
Suhail Bawani
Moiz Ali

Publisher: JollyGul Main Channel

Author: ismailimail

Independent, civil society media featuring Ismaili Muslim community, inter and intra faith endeavors, achievements and humanitarian works.

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