New Book: “Eating Plant-Based” by Dr Shireen Kassam and Dr Zahra Kassam

Dr Shireen Kassam, founder of Plant-Based Health Professionals UK and her sister Dr Zahra Kassam, co-founder of Plant-Based Canada, have written their first book titled Eating Plant-Based; Scientific Answers to Your Nutrition Questions, releasing on 20th January.

The book is a Q&A style that addresses common health-related topics about a plant-based diet. A global transition to a plant-based food system has now become an urgent imperative for both human and planetary health. Even though plant-based diets are associated with some of the best health outcomes and supported by major nutrition and dietetic organisations around the world, myths about the requirement for meat, dairy and eggs persist. 

This book is for anyone who would like a deeper understanding of the scientific evidence supporting a plant-based diet and its impact on human health. It is a guide for health professionals who are increasingly meeting people in their practice who have chosen to adopt a plant-based diet. It is for those of you who are already following a plant-based diet and for those who would like to switch to this way of eating but are being put off by family and friends who question your choice and fill your head with doubt. Is it safe to raise children on a plant-based diet? How do you get enough protein? What about calcium? The answers to all these questions are simple and straightforward and this book provides the scientific background to our understanding of plant-based diets.

If you are thinking about making the transition, this book will give you the confidence to do so. If you are already following a plant-based diet, it will help you with advocating and discussing your choice with others in an impartial, evidence-based way. The questions are based around their own experience of advocating and educating family, health professionals, patients and the public on plant-based diets for the last decade.

You can pre-order your copy from Book Depository, with worldwide free shipping.

Author: ismailimail

Independent, civil society media featuring Ismaili Muslim community, inter and intra faith endeavors, achievements and humanitarian works.

One thought

  1. Thank you…Looking forward to reading this book. I am plant-based at least 5 days a week. Love, Light & Cheers Muslim Harji visit me at……


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