Izmir Kassam Takes up the Challenge at World Partnership Walk

Eleven-year old Izmir Kassam, a grade 5 student in Calgary (Canada), hopes to raise $40,000 by running 40 km to celebrate 40 years of World Partnership Walk (WPW). Izmir enjoys running various distances including 10 km runs and half marathons. Having run his first 5 km race at the age of 4, he has been passionate about distance running from an early age. Because there are no competitions at these distances for children of his age, Izmir typically competes against adults and usually places in the top 5% to 10% of runners in adult competitions.

Izmir Kassam. Photo provided by contributor

At the age of 8, after learning about the education restrictions put on girls by the government in Afghanistan, he ran a half marathon (21 km) for Canadian Women for Women in Afghanistan (CW4WAfghan), raising $2,000.


On his 10th birthday, a massive earthquake occurred in Turkey and Syria. Having been named after the City of Izmir, and after seeing the devastation from the earthquake, Izmir wanted to help and decided to run 100 km (ten, 10 km runs) and raise funds through Humanitarian Coalition, a registered charity bringing together leading aid organizations to help during international humanitarian disasters. Including government matching, over $30,000 was raised.

Izmir Kassam. Photo provided by contributor

 CBC News:

Global TV News:

Humanitarian Coalition:

Izmir has a special affiliation with the WPW as his great-aunt Mehrun Hassanali was part of the group that began the walk 40 years ago. In honor of the 40th year of the WPW, Izmir is running 40 km with the last 10 km being run on June 2 at the Calgary WPW. He will attempt to run the final 10 km in 40 minutes. The fundraising goal for the 40th WPW Anniversary run is $40,000 and Izmir invites you to participate. Please see the link below:

Your support of Izmir will propel and energize many young children to take up similar challenges. Please help.

Author: ismailimail

Independent, civil society media featuring Ismaili Muslim community, inter and intra faith endeavors, achievements and humanitarian works.

3 thoughts

  1. I am truly inspired by the remarkable bravery and determination shown by this young lady Izmir Kassam (agge 11) walking 40 km to commemorate 40 years of Aga Khan Partnership Walk for her testament of youthful spirit and dedication. Every step she takes, makes a difference in the world.

    *May her journey inspire many, and may she be blessed with endless joy, strength, and success to complete her walk with never ending happiness and confidence. I will be keeping her in my thoughts and prayers, wishing for her safety and success every step of the way. Amen. *

    Wishing and congratulating her and her family on this amazing effort on her way in making the world a better place, one step at a time. With my warm wishes and prayers, Abdulrehman Premji of Richmond BC.


  2. I have made a grave mistake and wish to correct with the following words:

    *Reference to the comment on Izmir Kassam’s 40 km. walk, please accept my sincere apology for addressing Izmir as a young lady instead of a young boy. *

    Thank you for your understanding. With best wishes, Abdulrehman Premji of Richmond BC.


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