‘Contemporary Persians’ Exhibition Challenges Western Perceptions of Iran

‘Contemporary Persians’ Exhibition Challenges Western Perceptions of IranRebel, Jester, Mystic, Poet: Contemporary Persians at the Aga Khan Museum in Toronto until June 4.

“There has to be balance, where you see something much more positive about the country, its true tradition, its rich legacy of art and culture, versus the stereotypical, militant imagery you see if you watch conventional global media outlets,” Afkhami explains. “It’s that much more important now to have this kind of a show. To break down that barrier that’s being put up.”

‘Contemporary Persians’ Exhibition Challenges Western Perceptions of Iran | Jaclyn Tersigni for Azure

Rebel, Jester, Mystic, Poet: Contemporary Persians, a collection of post-revolution works by Iranian artists, confronts issues of gender, religion, politics, and the West’s characterization of Iranians.

Click here to read at the source: http://www.azuremagazine.com/article/contemporary-persians-aga-khan-museum/






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Author: ismailimail

Independent, civil society media featuring Ismaili Muslim community, inter and intra faith endeavors, achievements and humanitarian works.

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