How an Iranian exhibit at the Aga Khan Museum hopes to bridge east and west – Toronto – CBC News

‘Now the message is imperative,’ with Trump as U.S. president, Iranian art collector says

By Tania Mehta for CBC News: Feb 04, 2017

How an Iranian exhibit at the Aga Khan Museum hopes to bridge east and west - Toronto - CBC NewsMohammed Afkhami sees art as a way to bridge the divide between people from all walks of life, and he says it’s even more imperative now that Donald Trump is U.S. president.

“We’re living in a continually integrated global society and to try to create a ‘them and ‘us’ atmosphere is not only illogical but also not in the spirit of humanity,” Afkhami told CBC Toronto in an interview.

The British-Iranian art collector is loaning works from his private collection to Toronto’s Aga Khan Museum that explore the diversity of post-revolutionary Iran.

More at the source: Toronto – CBC News

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