Zool Suleman: Refugee crisis – Mayors lead where Harper fears to tread in helping war victims | Vancouver Observer

Zool Suleman: Refugee crisis - Mayors lead where Harper fears to tread in helping war victims | Vancouver ObserverZool Suleman Sep 10th, 2015: Since the plight of Syrian refugees became front page news last week, with the photo of young Alan Kurdi dead on a beach in Turkey, the story has continued to grow exponentially. Across Canada, it continues to lead news broadcasts, dominates front pages of newspapers, and fills the editorial pages. The social media universe is abuzz. A simple Google search yielded over 10 million results.

I attended the rally held at the Vancouver Art Gallery on Sunday September 6 and was moved by the speakers who told of their personal journeys as refugees as well as the large global context that is creating refugees.

Over 500 people gathered and then marched to the offices of Citizenship and Immigration Canada on Georgia Street next to the Vancouver Public Library.

This humanitarian tragedy is not new and has been playing out on the world stage for several years.

Source: Refugee crisis: Mayors lead where Harper fears to tread in helping war victims | Vancouver Observer

Author: ismailimail

Independent, civil society media featuring Ismaili Muslim community, inter and intra faith endeavors, achievements and humanitarian works.

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