Dale Carnegie recognizes and honors Azim Premji and his team at Wipro

Dale Carnegie Training® presents `Global Leadership Award’ to Wipro

Wipro is First Indian Company to Win this Award

Azim Premji - QuoteBangalore, Karnataka, India, Thursday, February 01, 2007 — (Business Wire India)
Dale Carnegie today announced that Wipro Technologies, the global IT services business of Wipro Limited (NYSE:WIT) has won the prestigious Dale Carnegie Global Leadership Award for 2007. The award was presented to Wipro by Peter Handal, Chairman, Dale Carnegie Training® at a ceremony held in Bangalore on Thursday.

Dale Carnegie is one of the world’s leading human resources and management consulting organizations and its Global Leadership Awards is one of the world’s most coveted recognition in the Enterprise Training and Development space. Wipro is the first Indian organization to have won this award. Boeing, WalMart, Daimler–Chrysler Corporation and SAS Scandinavian Airlines have been some of the other organizations who have won this award in the past.

This award is granted to a company that places special emphasis on the development of its human resources, innovation and organizational creativity for the purpose of achieving its business objectives. Those companies rewarded are recognized for use of human resources management as parallel to their technology, thus being major contributors to the development of their countries’ economy and society.

Peter Handal, Chairman, Dale Carnegie Training® said, “In Wipro, we recognize those qualities that separate the truly great companies: commitment to providing excellent service and quality products to their customers; dedication to their employees’ growth; understanding of the value of employees and a sense of obligation that compels them to a high level of community involvement. It is for these reasons that we want to acknowledge and recognize Wipro as a truly formidable organization.”

Pratik Kumar, Executive Vice President, Wipro Limited, said that “This award is a testimony to the commitment shown by our employees to pursue a culture of continuous learning innovation and excellence that has made Wipro a globally renowned organization for technology, people and business leadership”.

“Dale Carnegie Training® recognizes and honors the way Azim Premji and his team at Wipro have been able to create a unified culture. It is truly admirable that an organization as large and successful as Wipro continues to believe and stay committed to the success of every individual within their organization. They have been able to create a sense of teamwork and a unified culture and, at the same time, have continued to successfully continue with their aggressive business strategies.” Added Handal.

Via http://www.businesswireindia.com/PressRelease.asp?b2mid=11881

About Dale Carnegie Training

How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale CarnegieDale Carnegie Training (www.dalecarnegie.com) is a global management training company with experts in corporate management, workplace issues and leadership trends. The company provides leadership, sales and management training in over 400 of the Fortune 500 companies, training over 7 million adults in over 75 countries worldwide.

About Wipro

Wipro Technologies, a division of Wipro Limited (NYSE:WIT) is the first PCMM Level 5 and SEI CMM Level 5 certified IT Services organization globally. Wipro is one of the largest product engineering and support service providers worldwide. Wipro provides comprehensive research and development services, IT solutions and services, including systems integration, Information Systems outsourcing, package implementation, software application development and maintenance services to corporations globally.

In the Indian market, Wipro is a leader in providing IT solutions and services for the corporate segment in India offering system integration, network integration, software solutions and IT services. Wipro also has profitable presence in niche market segments of consumer products and lighting. In the Asia Pacific and Middle East markets, Wipro provides IT solutions and services for global corporations. Wipro’s ADS’ are listed on the New York Stock Exchange, and its equity shares are listed in India on the Stock Exchange – Mumbai, and the National Stock Exchange.

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