​Raheel Lakhani: Organ Donation can change someone’s life! | Jubilee Arts Pakistan – Virtual Reality Project

Artist and educator Raheel Lakhani’s AV/VR project presented at the national level, Jubilee Arts festival in Islamabad, Pakistan. Click on the source to view, hear and experience the presentation in virtual reality.

​Raheel Lakhani: Organ Donation can change someone's life! | Jubilee Arts Pakistan - Virtual Reality ProjectORGAN-I-C [awr-gan-ik; organ-i-see] is a digital installation created with an approach of using art as a medium for advocacy and awareness about a cause. As a submission for Jubilee Arts Festival Pakistan on the creative prompt ‘legacy’, the piece promotes the idea of creating your legacy when you’ve passed on from this world by pledging for organ donation while you’re living.


The installation included posters, VR experience about how a visually-impaired individual views the world, and on an iPad, a short narrative video with an interactive artifact. Not in their actual installed form/devices, I have changed the sequence of components for a creating experience suitable for an online format.

Source: ORGAN-I-C – the project | ​Raheel Lakhani

Author: ismailimail

Independent, civil society media featuring Ismaili Muslim community, inter and intra faith endeavors, achievements and humanitarian works.

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