New Book Alert: Anar Nanji’s: They Call Me Gabriel

New Book Alert: Anar Nanji's: They Call Me GabrielSpirituality.

Everyone interprets it differently.

There are as many interpretations as there are individuals on Earth. It is a very personal experience, and by its very nature, subjective. Whatever one’s belief or non-belief, one cannot deny that there is something more to our existence. Whether it is in relation to a powerful deity overseeing our lives, or a force of energy evolving our development, or even the thought that we cannot be the sole form of intelligent life in the universe (or are we?), our pre-occupation with “finding ourselves” and determining our “purpose” or “place” propels us to seek answers.

This book takes a glimpse into “the other side”. Where do we go when we die? Where were we before we were born? Through the story of Angel Gabriel, the author takes us through the concepts of who we are, why we are here, and how to overcome life’s constant challenges and break the karmic cycle to evolve into an enlightened, serene being.

Peace and contentment is possible…even here on Earth.

About the Author

Anar Nanji loves French food, British television (yet speaks English with a Canadian accent), Indian music, and Kenyan safaris. In order to compensate for her indulgences, she prefers the cut of American clothes, her treadmill being the cornerstone of her life…which is peppered with moments of stillness to remember what is truly important in this world.

Source: Book, Self Improvement, Body, Mind, Spirit – They Call Me Gabriel –



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Author: ismailimail

Independent, civil society media featuring Ismaili Muslim community, inter and intra faith endeavors, achievements and humanitarian works.

One thought

  1. Bravo and congratulations on the publication of your book Anar! We always knew that you were following in the footsteps of your deeply spiritual maternal grandmother, my favourite aunt! I cannot wait to read it!


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