Henna Budhwani, PhD, MPH: Race Relations on the Playground: White Nanny to South Asian Family | Huff Post Parents

Henna Budhwani, PhD, MPH: Race Relations on the Playground: White Nanny to South Asian Family | Huff Post ParentsDr. Henna Budhwani is an Assistant Professor in the University of Alabama at Birmingham’s Department of Health Care Organization and Policy as well as the Deputy Director of the UAB Sparkman Center for Global Health. Dr. Budhwani is the mother of twin boys and volunteers working with disadvantaged populations.

Alabama is known for its hospitality, deep fried food, and conservatism. The state has a historic relationship with racism and prejudice which I believe it is trying to shed. I am American by birth and Pakistani by ethnicity with an Indian husband; I live here and until recently, hadn’t encountered any direct racial hostility.

I have twins — fraternal twin boys who recently turned two. Many say they look identical, but of course, I think they look completely different from one another. My children have a creamy brown complexion which some people have difficulty identifying. “Are they mixed?” I have never taken offense to the question; I find multiracial children astonishingly beautiful — I absolutely take it as a compliment.

More Race Relations on the Playground: White Nanny to South Asian Family | Henna Budhwani, PhD, MPH.


Author: ismailimail

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