Hakam Bhaloo elected Vice President Public Relations of Toastmasters

Hakam Bhaloo elected Vice President Public Relations of ToastmastersToastmasters International has announced the election of Mr. Hakam Bhaloo for the year 2012/2013 to the position of Vice-President of Toastmasters Club 5268. Mr. Bhaloo is serving his second term on the Executive; his first year was as Treasurer.

Recently Hakam attended the District 21 Spring Conference which was held at Harrison Hot Springs, BC. This was his 2nd conference in which he actively participated, and volunteered at the Silent auction fundraising.

Hakam is an active member of the Ismaili community and volunteers in several committees in the City of Burnaby. He has been a recipient of many awards including Local Hero and Most Outstanding Citizen of the Year by the City of Burnaby; and CRA Award of Excellence for his community service with the City, Aga Khan Foundation, Ismaili Walk for Charity and United Way of Lower Mainland amongst others.

He has been recognized in the community by all the three levels of Government for his outstanding contributions. We are pleased to have Hakam on board at Toastmasters and wish him success. He is currently finishing his assignments to achieve status as a Competent Leader and Competent Communicator with Toastmasters.

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Author: ismailimail

Independent, civil society media featuring Ismaili Muslim community, inter and intra faith endeavors, achievements and humanitarian works.

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