Gates and Buffett show rich Indians how to help the poor | John Elliott | Independent The Foreign Desk Blogs

-Excerpt- Apart from Tata, India’s biggest group, which is majority-owned by charitable trusts, and one or two other smaller examples, India’s wealthy old-style business families have traditionally built prestigious temples and sometimes schools, often in their home towns, but little else.

The new mega-rich, who have emerged in information technology, real estate and elsewhere since the economy opened up 20 years ago, have not yet grasped the idea of giving outside their own geographical areas or business sectors, though some have made high profile donations to their universities (notably Harvard and Yale).

The most significant exception is Azim Premji of the Wipro IT group, who in 2010 made a $2bn donation for education and social projects that possibly reflected the charitable traditions of his Ismaili Muslim faith.

Most important in all this, I guess, is the motivation of the ‘givers’, and how effectively their money is used.

Via Gates and Buffett show rich Indians how to help the poor | John Elliott | Independent The Foreign Desk Blogs.

A longer version of this article appears on John Elliott’s Riding the Elephant current affairs blog –

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