Son Altesse l’Aga Khan | Le Figaro (Subscription)

World famous for his passion for horses, the crown prince is also a wise businessman. Spiritual leader of the Ismaili Muslims, this Imam professes a moderate Islam. He is celebrating his Diamond Jubilee. (translated).

Source: Charles Jaigu / Feb 16, 2018 / Le Figaro

Author: ismailimail

Independent, civil society media featuring Ismaili Muslim community, inter and intra faith endeavors, achievements and humanitarian works.

One thought

  1. I am an avid reader of his love for horses and his vast stables which Princess Zahra attends to also, and have saved all the info on his horse racing upto about 2 yrs ago, but have not received any latest racing news, having ridden on horses myself, have always loved them and was always ecstatic when his horse’s would win the derby or other horse’s racing. Thanks for sharing


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