Rehabilitation volunteers at Prince Aly Khan Hospital raise cancer care to the human level

 Rehabilitation volunteers at Prince Aly Khan Hospital raise cancer care to the human levelvia – The needs of cancer patients are not limited to state-of-the-art medical treatment. They also require support and care for their physical, emotional and cosmetic rehabilitation.

“When I was diagnosed with breast cancer at the age of 39, I felt my whole life was crumbling around me,” recalls Anita Vensuvala, a cancer survivor and founder volunteer at the Prince Aly Khan Hospital Cancer Rehabilitation Centre in Mumbai. “I kept asking myself: ‘What does the future hold for me? Is there any future at all?’”

What brought a measure of relief for Vensuvala was meeting another person who had experienced a mastectomy and who had gotten past it. “I know now that these are normal reactions when a woman has cancer of the breast and undergoes surgery. But at that time it was hard to accept the fact and to deal with it calmly,” she says.

The purpose of the Cancer Rehabilitation Centre at Prince Aly Khan Hospital is to provide that extra support and care.

via The Ismaili: Rehabilitation volunteers at Prince Aly Khan Hospital raise cancer care to the human level.

Author: ismailimail

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