Calgary immigrant award winner Rossbina Nathoo

Calgary immigrant award winner Rossbina Nathoo

Coming to Canada wasn’t easy for Ugandan-born Rossbina Nathoo — but, as she puts it, it was the best thing that could have happened to her. As a 16-year-old girl, Nathoo had to flee her wartorn homeland, coming to Canada as a refugee in 1972. Refusing to give in to adversity, she obtained a university education and established herself as an independent and socially engaged citizen. As the founder of FOCUS on Seniors — not to mention her work with the Aga Khan Council for the Prairies, Peter Lougheed Hospital, the Calgary Airport Authority, the Kerby Centre and the Vertigo and Lunch Box Theatres — Nathoo always makes time for others, working tirelessly to make her adopted hometown of Calgary a great place for immigrants and established Canadians. Today, Nathoo spends most of her time volunteering at the Calgary Public Library, where she helps new immigrants access valuable settlement resources, always offering up information, patience and a smile.

via Canadian Immigrant : Top 25 Canadian Immigrants.

Author: ismailimail

Independent, civil society media featuring Ismaili Muslim community, inter and intra faith endeavors, achievements and humanitarian works.

One thought

  1. Great achievement, Rossbina!
    So refreshing to discover some Ismailis who are not talking about or thinking about making money…
    I am sure you find your social activities just as challenging and professionally satisfying.
    Wish you continued success and satisfaction in your rather unique career.


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