Historical Perspectives on Satpanthi Literature and the Ginans

Religious Traditions and Early Ismaili History in South Asia: Some Historical Perspectives on Satpanthi Literature and the Ginans
Dr Samira Sheikh

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In recent years, there has been significant research on the literature of the Ismailis in South Asia. In addition, there has been some investigation of the parallels between Ismaili literature and practices with those of certain other groups, particularly in Western India.  Although this research has produced results with important consequences, it is still on the margins of the history of South Asian religions and literature. This might be an appropriate occasion to evaluate the implications of this research from a historical point of view and list some of the issues that might be clarified by more research.

How are the Ginans to be placed in the broader history of religious literature in South Asia? Although the earliest manuscripts of the Ginans date from the 18th century, they obviously refer to events and traditions of an earlier date.  What then can these compositions tell us about religious conditions of the medieval period? How are the Ginans and Satpanthi compositions studied at present and can alternative approaches be suggested? Although these questions cannot be answered authoritatively at present, an attempt will be made to set the context for further research.

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Author: ismailimail

Independent, civil society media featuring Ismaili Muslim community, inter and intra faith endeavors, achievements and humanitarian works.

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