Khaliya Rajan Wins the Youth Short Story Category

The Walrus June 6, 2024
Now in its seventh year, the Youth Short Story category celebrates authors between the ages of thirteen and seventeen who have written a short story under 3,000 words. Sixteen-year-old Rajan was chosen as the winner by the First Novel Award’s panel of judges for her story “Waves,” which will be published in the

Photo” The Walrus

Khaliya Rajan is an eleventh grade student from Vancouver [Canada]. She is an accomplished writer who has had her work featured in various publications. Khaliya enjoys volunteering and is an active member of her school community.

(Khaliya) shows us what a mind can build given the fewest of possible resources, given the barest of materials. There is just sand, water, parents, and a wobbly knee. And yet, in the space of less than two pages, we know where we are in the world and with whom. We know what to be afraid of and how to feel about that. And we know just how much courage it requires to discover that you are stronger than you think you are. I was impressed with what the story was able to achieve with such a small space.”
Souvankham Thammavongsa, 2024 Youth Short Story Category Judge

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